Imagine Unlimited Possibilities!

We are driven by the power of imagination. Whatever our clients can imagine for themselves, we can bring it to life with innovation.

Who we are

MicroInsurance Services Ltd (formerly MicroEnsure Ltd) is an insurance intermediary and consulting company whose exclusive focus is to address the mass market’s insurance needs to mitigate risk.

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How We do it

We understand that no one wakes up in the morning wanting to buy insurance, as such we deliver our products with innovations.

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Our DNA is embedded in innovation. We believe in the power of innovation in creating secure world through risk management solutions.

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Our Vision

To be the most innovative and leading microinsurance provider in Malawi

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Our Mission

Reaching out to the mass market with innovative and affordable insurance products

Who do we work with

MicroInsurance services works with NGOs, Agribusinesses, Mobile Network Operators, Banks and Microfinance Institutions by desinging, implementing and managing products that address a wide range of risks faced by low and middle income customers within markets, life, health, Property and Crop Insurance form MicroInsurance Services product portfolio.

Key Milestones

  • MicroInsurance

    MicroEnsure UK starts operations as microinsurance consultants providing technical capacity to insurance companies, financial Institutions and the government of Malawi.

  • MicroInsurance

    Designed and launched EduSave with opportunity international Bank to drive the bank's deposit intake while protecting savers from a number of risks they face in their daily undertakings.

  • MicroInsurance

    Designed and launched the first ever mobile insurance with TNM dubbed TNM Moyo Cover.

  • MicroInsurance

    MicroEnsure UK registers as a business entity in Malawi (MiroEnsure Malawi).

  • MicroInsurance

    launched a second Mobile based Insurance with Airtel dubbed Airtel Insurance - Three for free hospitalization , personal accidents and life covers for free.

  • MicroInsurance

    MicroEnsure UK disinvest in MicroEnsure Malawi and the shareholding structure changes leading to formation of MicroInsurance Services ltd.

MicroInsurance and the SDGs

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As a company, we, strive to align its agenda with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. We believe that no contribution is small in trying to make the world a better place. Here is how we have aligned our programming with the SDGs.

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In 2021 MicroInsurance with support from IFAD through the FARMSE (Financial Inclusion for Rural Markets and Smallholder Enterprises) embarked on a research which was aimed at improving rural communities wellbeing through provision of health services. Following this research MicroInsurance has built a number of health insurance products that are aimed at promoting good and wellbeing of the less privileged communities.

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A majority of our services target women because they are sidelined in most economic activities yet they are a powerful block of development. Currently over 60% of our beneficiary base are women. Our product design has taken note of women’s needs and aspiration and we have innovated around gender equality biased products with insurance covers that include maternity.

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Climate change has left no place unaffected. Drought and Flooding are some of the direct impacts that our local communities are facing. In addressing the impact of climate change MicroInsurance offers a weather based index insurance product that covers farmers agains drought and excess rainfall perils. Through this cover, farmers are able to buy a cover that protect them the impacts of climate change.

Our Value Chain

Value Chain Description
Research We invest our resources in research in order to identify existing insurance gaps and design products to meet customers needs and expectations.
Product Development We use innovative approaches to design new products that are tailored for our customers.
Product Distribution We work with partners that have large distribution networks i.e Banks, MFILs, Telcos and NGOs. We build build customers trust by working with trusted brands. We use digital platforms to enroll customers.
Marketing & Sales We insure common events to build understanding of insurance. We create trust through word-of-mouth marketing and customer testimonials. Insure common events to build understanding of insurance. We enable customers to try basic insurance.
Claims Administration Simplified documents required for a claim. We guide customers through the claims process. We accept claims through mobile applications. We settle claims quickly. We use mobile wallets to facilliate payments to unbanked customers.